Town Hall Citizen

People Have the Power

Bernie Sanders - Americans must fight for our values

Bernie Sanders - Americans must fight for our values

The Guardian published this piece today from Bernie.

America must not surrender its Democratic values | Bernie Sanders
Together, we must fight for our long-held values and work with people around the world who share them

Now the donor class and DNC establishment is finally recognizing what we've known all along – Bernie would have won in 2016 had the DNC not sidelined him. A Bernie win in 2016 would have saved us from Trump.

"This is a turning point – a moment of enormous consequence in world history. Do we go forward toward a more democratic, just and humane world? Or do we retreat back into oligarchy, authoritarianism, colonialism and the rejection of international law?

"As Americans, we cannot stay quiet as Trump abandons centuries of our commitment to democracy. Together, we must fight for our long-held values and work with people around the world who share them".

tty next time,