Day 1

Today I joined the rest of my compadres to protest Elon. It felt great to take action. Reading about how bad things are is so nowhere for me. I need to move my feet. More on this coming.
In the photo with my orange down on, I'm standing on Cooley Mesa Road. I wouldn't call it a busy road, after all we live in a small town. It is however the road the goes by the Eagle County airport which is busy this time of year. So there was a steady flow of cars going by in each direction.
The reactions were mainly good. Lots of honks with thumbs up. The pro-Elon (for the life of me I can't understand why anyone is pro-Elon) reactions – the haters – leaned towards rage. They didn't just flip me off or give me a double flip off. They flipped me off and yelled nasty stuff out the window. A couple of ragers came around twice. There were a couple times I thought I was going to have to call the cops.
It blows my mind that so many would be so upset at a cowboy in a HIPEVAN, simply standing on the side of the road with a FUCK ELON sign. Like, what has Elon done for them? Or, what do they think he's going to do for them and what evidence is there that Elon cares about anyone but himself? And it doesn't bother them that Elon, not Trump is running the country? For folks who claim to be about our constitution their beliefs are anything but constitutional.
What I experienced in the 2 or so hours I was out there speaks to what so many say about Trumpers - angry people full of rage that who don't care about America's founding documents, institutions, or law or order. If today is a sample it's not just immigrants, queer folks, and people of color that get under their skin. They really don't like anyone who isn't them. America is for thee, not for me.
Check out my sign. I used an old ski pole, mounted the sign upside down on the ski pole so the tip and basket would be the middle finger. It feels good to hold, but I need to make the letters darker.
Today also marks day 1 of a new website that'll be up soon – I think it's going to be great.
tty next time,