Organize for power

The only thing more depressing than reading or thinking about Trump is seeing folks on Mastodon complaining about Trump. Because each complaint post is time lost towards the cure for this mess we're, which is organizing.
Don't get me wrong, these Mastodon posts I see are from people I follow. I follow them because I respect their views and opinions.
I always go back to what the great Ruth Bader Ginsburg once said - "Protests are important. But changing the culture means nothing if the law doesn't change".
Who writes laws? Lawmakers. How do lawmakers get into a position where they're able to write laws? By winning elections.
The Democratic Party has wasted the 10 years bitching and moaning about Trump. What did it accomplish? Nothing. In fact with Trump's reelection things are going to get worse.
Instead of complaining, people need to organize. I believe, that entails forming a citizens group so powerful that Democrats have to work for us - or they'll lose elections.
Go back and look at the success of The Tea Party which formed in 2009. The Tea Party made a dent with, according to Ralph Nader, no more than 300k constituents. In fact it's impact is still felt in our politics today.

I believe the success of The Tea Party is repeatable with even greater success. Not as a replacement of the Democratic Party. But as a tool to force the Democratic Party to work for us, instead of their donor class.
But this idea of mine will never see the light of day so long as people are wasting time on Mastodon or corporate social media complaining about Trump. Because as Jeff Bezos once said, "Complaining is not a strategy".
So start. Subscribe, help us do town hall meetings in Colorado. Follow the steps laid out by the greatest organizer the world has ever known, late great Jane McAlevey.
tty next time,