Town Hall Citizen

People Have the Power

Park City ski partrollers caused Vail Resort an avalanche of problems

Park City ski partrollers caused Vail Resort an avalanche of problems

Listen to this podcast and learn how a few Park City ski patrollers have forever damaged Vail Resorts' brand.

The Snowballing Problems at Vail Resorts
Podcast Episode · The Journal. · 02/05/2025 · 21m

I'll say it again. A few ski patrollers caused Vail Resorts an avalanche of problems.

“Take a sweeping look at our history and you will discover that almost all movements that mattered started with just one or two people - from the fight to abolish slavery, to the creations of the environmental, trade union, consumer protection and civil rights movements. One voice becomes two, and then ten, and then thousands.”— Ralph Nader

tty next time,