Town Hall Citizen

People Have the Power

People using their power

People using their power

"Take a sweeping look at our history and you will discover that almost all movements that mattered started with just one or two people - from the fight to abolish slavery, to the creations of the environmental, trade union, consumer protection and civil rights movements. One voice becomes two, and then ten, and then thousands.”— Ralph Nader

Read about how citizens rose up.

Lois Gibbs - Love Canal

Lois Gibbs, a New Yorker who took matters into her hands when she discovered her son’s elementary school was built on a 20,000-ton toxic chemical dump.

Love Canal - how one woman took on the government and won
Howdy, On hippievan we demonstrate how People Have the Power. This can admittedly sound like coffee cup wisdom unless you look back in history for examples. Lois Gibbs is one such example. I was vaguely familiar with the Love Canal story when I listened to Lois on Ralph Nader’s podcast.

The Tea Party

A few citizens rose up to take significant control over the established Republican Party.

Breaking Points praise for The Tea Party
In this this video Krystal and Saager talk about Bernie’s Fight Oligarchy tour. Watch the first 10 minutes to hear them both heap praise on the Tea Party movement. Saager brings up, rightfully so, that Liberals spend too much time protesting and not any time organizing. He’s right. Starting a

Ugo Mattei, lawyer and activist who masterminded the Italian campaign against the privatization of water

Ugo Mattei, the professor in civil law and activist who masterminded the Italian campaign against privatizing water.  

Ralph Nader Podcast - Fighting For Water; social media hinders organizing
I posted this on September 29, 2019 on heyheyrenee, my first blog. It’s another powerful example of why people have the power and social media is no place for organizing. Listen to this 4 minute clip from this week’s Ralph Nader Radio Hour Podcast by Professor Ugo Mattei, lawyer and

Park City Ski Patrollers

A few ski patrollers who stood up to a corporate giant engaging in unfair pay and practices to the men and women putting their lives on the line.

Park City ski patrollers prompt investor revolt?
I don’t believe it’s coincidence that Vail Resorts investor Apex Partners wrote this scathing letter to Vail Resorts’s leadership. I think, the ski patrollers strike and subsequent havoc caused by their strike was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Apex said to themselves, “Enough”! Vail Ad Alta | Late Apex