Power to the people right on

Bernie drew 9000+ people at his rally in Kenosha Wisconsin yesterday. But as Bernie says this isn't about him - it's about us – Not Me, Us.
Bernie starts at 25:00 in. This part of his speech starts at 1:08:33 in.
"Now I know there are a lot of people throughout our country who are feeling
angry and frustrated about what's going on in Washington.
"So let me say this at this particular moment in history. Despair is not an option. Giving up is not acceptable. None of us have the privilege of hiding under the covers.
"As much as we might want to do that the stakes for us, for our kids for future
generations, and for the planet is just too high.
"And in these difficult moments and they are difficult let us never ever forget that real change only occurs when ordinary people stand up against oppression and injustice.
"And we all know we all know we all know this is not the first time that our
country has faced challenging and dangerous situations. Think about it. I really want you to think about this: when this country was founded you had people in
the colonies taking on on the entire British Empire - the most powerful force on Earth. They stood up. They took on the king of England. And they won.
"And think about the people in the 1820s, 1830s, 1840s in the Abolitionist Movement. They said slavery is a human abomination, and we're going to get rid of it. And they have to take on everybody – enormously powerful people. And hundreds of thousands of people died in that Civil War to make that happen. But they won. Slavery was abolished.
"Think about the struggle of the American Trade union movement. Think about workers who stood up and said we don't want children working in factories, we don't want to work seven days a week, we want to form a union – and some of those workers were beaten up. Some of them were killed. Many of them were fired. But they fought back and won.
"Think about Dr King in the civil rights movement, and all of those people who went to jail to fight segregation. And they won.
"Think about the women way back when who went to jail and occasionally died because of the radical idea that women should have the right to vote. And they won.
"And you think about the environmental movement. The gay rights movement, and many other movements.
"So yes the oligarchs are enormously powerful. They control the economy, they control our political system, to a large degree they have enormous influence over the media. But from the bottom of my heart I am convinced that they can be
"The American people have stood up to wealth and power in the past we can do it today. And we can beat them if we stand together and not let Trump and his allies divide us up by the color of our skin, or where we were born, or our religion, or our sexual orientation. If we bring our people together. If we create an agenda that works for all and not just the few.
"Now I'm not a PhD in mathematics but I do know that 99% is a hell of a lot
bigger number than 1%. So let me conclude by saying this: I hope very much that
what, oh all right. You're right look I will be introducing, I will be introducing
legislation very shortly to prevent any more funding for the Netanyahu government to kill. Now we we did this a few months ago and to everybody's surprise you know despite the enormous power of APAC and other powerful organizations we got 19 Senators to support I ban on arms sales for Netanyahu.
"And by the way: and again you know there's so much to go over, you forgive me there are many things I didn't discuss.
"But the idea the idea that Trump believes that he can forcibly expel 2.2 million people in Gaza who have suffered so much in order to create a playground a Riviera for the rich is so abominable. It is literally unspeakable.
"All right so here's what we're going to do. We're not going to leave you guys alone. We're going to keep pestering you, we hope you come out and you vote on that Supreme Court election, we hope that you call your Republic member of Congress here and tell them you know that the people of Wisconsin in this District do not want tax breaks for billionaires and cuts the Medicaid, or education.
"And you know what I think it would be a great idea for your Congressman? To hold a town meeting right here. It's called democracy so brothers and sisters.
"Thank you again for this unbelievable turnout.
"Thank you all for coming.
"Let's go forward together.
"We're going to win this thing.
"Thank you".
power to the people -
tty next time,