Town Hall Citizen

People Have the Power

Tesla is an overvalued stock - people can pop the bubble

Tesla is an overvalued stock - people can pop the bubble

Just came across this posted on Mastodon.

Tesla Takeover: How the Protests Against Elon Musk Signal a National Turning Point
Thousands of people all over the country had signed on to the ‘Tesla Takedown’ protests outside of Tesla locations in over 100 cities.

From the piece:

"There have now been protests outside of Tesla locations in over 100 cities, and the movement is picking up speed and going global."

"Our website has thousands of visitors a day, signing on for protests, creating their own and downloading our resources. Just as many people are showing up in front of Tesla real estate through entirely separate organizations, like Indivisible and a new formation of rank and file federal workers called the Federal Unionists Network. Another massive day of action is planned this weekend. There are reports that Tesla’s shareholders are already souring on the company’s CEO and chairperson. The stock is dipping.

"Musk’s net worth is — and has long been — massively overvalued. He owns and runs several companies, but his wealth and claim to being “the richest person in the world” is tied up in Tesla, itself a company with a significantly inflated stock price. This is a bubble that has been waiting to pop, and we can be the needle.

"Detaching Musk from Tesla would be a meaningful blow against this administration and its prerogatives, because it would be a strike against what they hold most dear: money and power. And while leaving Tesla wouldn’t deliver Musk to the poorhouse, it would go some way to undermining his image, the reputation as a brilliant engineer and businessman that has been cultivated and burnished for over a decade. It is the source of his clout. And it’s another balloon that’s ready to rupture".

People have the power!