Town Hall Citizen

People Have the Power

The Tesla protests must be peaceful and respectful

The Tesla protests must be peaceful and respectful

The Tesla protests are working. Let's hope they pick up momentum.

Elon Musk’s Tesla facilities in the US face ‘Takedown’ protests
It is part of an effort to protest the role Tesla’s billionaire owner, Elon Musk, has played in the Trump administration.
Donald Trump pledges to buy a ‘new Tesla’ amid stock slump and protests against Elon Musk
Donald Trump is backing Elon Musk, this time by buying a Tesla.

But they must be peaceful, and respect the law.

If the protests are on private property, it's Tesla's right to call the police. The protests must be on public property.

When the haters show up do not engage. Literally, turn the other cheek. Be kind. Remember MLK Jr.

Let people know you're about free markets. That you're not being paid, you're a citizen exercising your right to assembly and free speech.

But most important is this:

"Protests are important. But changing the culture means nothing if the law doesn't change".— The Notorious RBG

Democrats are great at protesting and hashtagactivism. Neither of which, wins elections. The United States is a nation of laws. Laws are made by legislators. Legislators are elected by the people.

We the people need to organize and form a citizens group so powerful it forces Democrats to work for us, instead of their donor class.

Otherwise, nothing will change.

tty next time,