Unless we take them on nothing will change

Bernie Sanders said this to Anderson Cooper in an interview after the first Presidential debate in 2019:
“Unless we are prepared to take on the people who have real power in this country, the power elite, and that is Wall Street, and that is the Insurance companies, and that is the pharmaceutical industry, and that is the fossil fuel industry, does anybody think that just a plan for climate change is gonna do it to save the planet? You gotta have the guts to take on an enormously powerful industry.
"Does anybody think that just a plan for climate change is gonna do it to save the planet? You gotta have the guts to take on an enormously powerful industry.
"The only way that we do that, in my view, is when millions and millions of people stand up say enough is enough! You’re not gonna destroy the planet. You’re not gonna prevent me from getting healthcare or affordable medicine. And that’s what this campaign is about. It’s not just ideas - we got a lot of ideas. It is the understanding we’re gonna have to take them on. And if we don’t, nothing is going to change.”
He said this today:
"You know, the Founding Fathers, way back in the 1770s, these were nobody's fools. And they had fought the king of England, an autocrat, had all the power.
"And they said, you know what? We don't want that in the new country. We're going to set up three separate, equal branches of government. And every kid in the sixth grade knows who they are.
"But Trump does not. And what Trump is doing now is trying every day to usurp the powers of Congress to challenge the powers of the court. It is a very dangerous moment.
"The struggle against Trump, oligarchy & authoritarianism is not going to be won on Capitol Hill.
"It is going to be won by working people all over this country standing up to say: Americans fought and died to create a country that works for all, not just the billionaire class".
I was for Bernie in 2016 and 2020. I'm still pissed that the Democrats sidelined him. We can't let this happen again. If we the people don't get organize, then start driving the Democratic Party, our country is lost. We will live under authoritarian rule.
It's now or never folks.
tty next time,