Why do we do this?

Two men I greatly admire - Nader Hashemi and Norman Finkelstein did a live stream today at Busboys and Poets in D.C. today.
Nader and Norman talked about the Democrats and Gaza. If you didn't see it, it's well worth 85 minutes of your time.
At 1:30:30 in Norman crystalized in the next 6 minutes why I started this, why giving up is not an option, and why even in the face of certain defeat, we fight. Then, he closes with something that I hadn't thought of. That the struggle we're in is a beautiful time.
I recorded it, here:
“It’s always darkest before the dawn. It’s this hope that keeps me carrying on”.
"If we give up the situation will be like it is. That's totally wrong. If we give up, the situation will get a thousand times worse".
"Confucius say the sign of a moral person, or a wise person, is he or she keeps struggling even in the certain knowledge of defeat. You keep struggling even in the certain knowledge of defeat. Why do you do it? Because you can't live with yourself doing nothing in the face of unspeakable horrors unfolding before your eyes".
"Isn't this a time, isn't this a wonderful time. It's our time to join in, work together, and turn back that juggernaut which is trying to destroy us. Isn't this a wonderful time. I say it is".
I agree.
tty next time,